All these fields are available via API.
About 80% of them are available by File Upload & Hubspot Enrichment
List of available fields.
Basic Data
Category | Field | Data Type | Description |
Basic Information | name | string | The full name of the person. |
| firstName | string | The first name of the person. |
| lastName | string | The last name of the person. |
| location | string | The location of the person. |
| jobTitle | string | The job title of the person. |
| company | string | The current company of the person. |
| linkedInUrl | string | The LinkedIn profile URL of the person. |
| extractedRole | string | The extracted role of the person (if applicable). |
| extractedSeniority | string | The extracted seniority level of the person (if applicable). |
| extractedGender | string | The extracted gender of the person (if available). |
| personConfidenceScore | number | Confidence score related to person details. |
| companyConfidence | number | Confidence score related to company details. (Indicate if we suspect a job change) |
| explanation | string | Additional explanation about companyConfidence |
| legacyEmail | string | Legacy email of the person. (not verified) |
| string | Twitter handle of the person. | |
| country | string | The country of the person. |
| region | string | The region of the person. |
| city | string | The city of the person. |
| timezoneId | string | The timezone ID of the person's location. |
Data (when personFull=true) | name | string | Data Full Name. |
| position | string | The current position of the person. |
| currentCompany | object | Object containing the current company name. |
| avatar | string | URL to the person's avatar/image. |
| about | string | A brief description or summary about the person. |
| city | string | The city associated with the person's data. |
| educationsDetails | string | Details of the person's education. |
| posts | array | Array containing posts made by the person. |
| experience | array | Array containing experience details of the person. |
| education | array | Array containing education details of the person. |
| certifications | array | Array containing certifications details of the person. |
| courses | array | Array containing course details of the person. |
| languages | array | Array containing language details of the person. |
| groups | array | Array containing group details of the person. |
| input | object | Object containing input data (e.g., URL). |
| from | string | Date where we refreshed the data |
| socialConnections | string | Information about social connections of the person. |
| coverImageUrl | string | URL to the person's cover image. |
Volunteering | position | string | The position held during volunteering. |
| cause | string | The cause or organization associated with volunteering. |
| endTime | string | End time or duration of the volunteering. |
| imageUrl | string | URL to an image related to volunteering. |
| socialUrl | string | Social media URL related to volunteering. |
| jobDescription | string | Description of the job or role during volunteering. |
| institutionName | string | The name of the institution where volunteering occurred. |
| duration | string | Duration of the volunteering experience. |
| startTime | string | Start time or date of the volunteering experience. |
Education | title | string | Title or degree achieved in education. |
| subtitle | string | Subtitle or specialization in education. |
| meta | string | Meta information related to education. |
| institutionName | string | The name of the educational institution. |
| socialUrl | string | Social media URL related to education. |
| degree | array | Array containing degrees earned in education. |
Experience | company | string | The name of the company associated with the experience. |
| duration | string | Duration or period of experience at the company. |
| positions | array | Array containing details of positions held within the company. |
| - title | string | Title or role of the position. |
| - meta | string | Meta information related to the position. |
| title | string | Overall title or role for the experience. |
| subtitle | string | Subtitle or additional details for the experience. |
| location | string | The location where the experience took place. |
| description | string | Description of the experience. |
| startTime | string | Start time or date of the experience. |
| endTime | string | End time or date of the experience. |
| socialUrl | string | Social media URL related to the experience. |
French Company Details
Category | Field | Data Type | Description |
French Company Details | siren | string | SIREN Number (Système d'identification du répertoire des entreprises) number of the company. |
| siret | string | SIRET Number (Système d'identification du répertoire des établissements) number of the company. |
| nomEntreprise | string | The legal name of the French company. |
| codeNaf | string | The NAF (Nomenclature des Activités Françaises) code of the company's main activity. |
| libelleCodeNaf | string | The description of the NAF code (main activity). |
| domaineActivite | string | The domain or sector of activity of the company. |
| objetSocial | string | The social purpose or objective of the company. |
| dateCreationFormate | string | The formatted creation date of the company. |
| entrepriseCessee | boolean | Indicates if the company has ceased operations (true/false). |
| effectif | string | The number of employees in the company. |
| numeroTvaIntracommunautaire | string | The VAT (Value Added Tax) number of the company for intra-community transactions. |
| etablissement | object | Object containing details of the establishment of the company. |
| siege | object | Object containing details of the company's headquarters (siège social). |
| representants | array | Array containing details of representatives of the company. |
| finances | array | Array containing financial details of the company. |
Under the "etablissement" object, we have the following sub-elements:
Field | Data Type | Description |
siret | string | SIRET number of the establishment. |
adresseLigne1Etablissement | string | Address line 1 of the establishment. |
codePostalEtablissement | string | Postal code of the establishment. |
villeEtablissement | string | City of the establishment. |
EffectifEtablissement | string | The number of employees at the establishment. |
EnseigneEtablissement | string | The name or sign of the establishment (if applicable). |
DateDebutEtablissement | string | The start date of the establishment. |
Under the "siege" object, we have the following sub-elements:
Field | Data Type | Description |
adresseLigne1 | string | Address line 1 of the company's headquarters (siège social). |
codePostal | string | Postal code of the company's headquarters. |
ville | string | City of the company's headquarters. |
Under the "representants" array, we have the following sub-elements for each representative:
Field | Data Type | Description |
nomComplet | string | The full name of the representative. |
dateDeNaissanceFormate | string | The formatted date of birth of the representative. |
age | string | The age of the representative. |
type | string | The type of representative. |
qualite | string | The quality or role of the representative. |
Under the "finances" array, we have the following sub-elements for each financial record:
Field | Data Type | Description |
annee | string | The year of the financial record. |
chiffreAffaires | string | The turnover or revenue of the company. |
chiffreAffairesPrettier | string | The formatted representation of the turnover or revenue. |
resultat | string | The result or profit of the company. |
resultatPrettier | string | The formatted representation of the result or profit. |
effectif | string | The number of employees at the company. |
effectifPrettier | string | The formatted representation of the number of employees. |
tauxCroissanceChiffreAffaires | number | The growth rate of turnover or revenue. |
tauxCroissanceChiffreAffairesPrettier | string | The formatted representation of the growth rate of turnover or revenue. |
effectifGrowthRate | number | The growth rate of the number of employees. |
effectifGrowthRatePrettier | string | The formatted representation of the growth rate of the number of employees. |
effectifEvolution | string | The evolution of the number of employees. |
effectifEvolutionPrettier | string | The formatted representation of the evolution of the number of employees. |
Company Full
Category | Field | Data Type | Description |
Full Properties | revenueRange | string | Revenue range of the company. |
| title | string | Title or name of the company. |
| shortDescription | string | A short description of the company. |
| identifier | object | Object containing an identifier (permalink) of the company. |
Full Cards | fundingRoundsSummary | object | Object containing summary details of funding rounds. |
| trafficRankHeadline | object | Object containing headline traffic rank details. |
| spentSummary | object | Object containing summary details of site IT spend. |
| overviewCompanyFields | object | Object containing overview details of the company type. |
| overviewFields | object | Object containing general overview fields of the company. |
| overviewFields2 | object | Object containing additional overview fields of the company. |
| fundingRoundsList | array | Array containing details of funding rounds. |
| trafficSummary | object | Object containing summary details of traffic rank. |
| ipoSummary | object | Object containing summary details of IPO (Initial Public Offering). |
| fullConfidenceScore | number | Confidence score related to the Full data. |
Full Identifier | permalink | string | The permalink identifier of the company. |
Funding Rounds Summary | fundingTotal | object | Object containing total funding details. |
| lastFundingType | string | The type of the last funding round. |
| lastFundingAt | string | The date of the last funding round. |
| numFundingRounds | string | The number of funding rounds. |
Funding Total | valueUsd | number | The total funding amount in USD. |
| valueUsdPretty | string | The formatted representation of the total funding amount in USD. |
| valueUsdRoundup | string | The rounded-up value of the total funding amount in USD. |
Traffic Rank Headline | visitsLatestMonth | string | The number of visits in the latest month. |
| visitsLastestMonthPrettier | string | The formatted representation of the visits in the latest month. |
| visitsMomPct | number | Percentage change in visits compared to the previous month. |
Spent Summary | siteItSpend | object | Object containing details of site IT spend. |
Site IT Spend | valueUsd | number | The site IT spend amount in USD. |
Overview Company Fields | companyType | string | The type of the company. |
Overview Fields | revenueRange | number | The revenue range of the company. |
| numEmployeesEnum | string | Enumerated value of the number of employees. |
| numEmployee | string | The number of employees in the company. |
| lastFundingType | string | The type of the last funding round. |
| operatingStatus | string | The operating status of the company. |
| foundedOn | object | Object containing the date of company founding. |
| categories | array | Array containing categories of the company. |
| legalName | string | The legal name of the company. |
| fundingStage | string | The stage of funding for the company. |
| locationGroupIdentifiers | array | Array containing identifiers for the company's location group. |
Founded On | value | string | The date of company founding. |
Categories | value | string | A category associated with the company. |
Overview Fields 2 | website | object | Object containing the company's website. |
| object | Object containing the company's LinkedIn page. | |
| object | Object containing the company's Twitter page. | |
| contactEmail | string | The contact email of the company. |
| object | Object containing the company's Facebook page. | |
| crunchbaseUrl | object | Object containing the company's Full page URL. |
Website | value | string | The website URL of the company. |
value | string | The LinkedIn URL of the company. | |
value | string | The Twitter URL of the company. | |
value | string | The Facebook URL of the company. | |
Crunchbase | value | string | The Full URL of the company's Crunchbase page. |
Funding Rounds List | moneyRaised | object | Object containing details of money raised in funding rounds. |
Money Raised | value | string | The amount of money raised in |
Company Premium
Category | Field | Data Type | Description |
Premium Information | url | string | The slug related to the premium data. |
| name | string | The name of the premium data. |
| sphere | string | The sphere or domain associated with the premium data. |
| employeesAmountInLinkedin | string | The number of employees as found on LinkedIn. |
| about | string | A brief description or summary about the premium data. |
| headquaterAddr | string | The address of the company's headquarters. |
| headquaterAddrStreet | string | Street address of the company's headquarters. |
| headquaterAddrPostalCode | string | Postal code of the company's headquarters. |
| headquaterAddrLocality | string | Locality or city of the company's headquarters. |
| headquaterAddrRegion | string | Region or state of the company's headquarters. |
| headquaterAddrCountry | string | Country of the company's headquarters. |
| subsidiary | array | Array containing subsidiary details. |
| numberOfLocation | string | The number of company locations. |
| website | string | The website URL of the company. |
| industries | string | Industries associated with the company. |
| companySize | string | The size of the company. |
| headquarters | string | Information related to the company's headquarters. |
| type | string | The type or category of the company. |
| founded | string | The founding date of the company. |
| specialties | string | Specialties associated with the company. |
| specialtiesArr | array | Array containing individual specialty values. |
| input | object | Object containing input data (e.g., URL). |
| companyId | string | The ID of the company. |
| locations | array | Array containing location details. |
| premiumConfidenceScore | number | Confidence score related to the premium data. |
| similarCompanies | array | Array containing details of similar companies. |
| slogan | string | The slogan or tagline of the company. |
| imageUrl | string | URL to the image associated with the premium data. |
| categories | array | Array containing category details. |
Under the "subsidiary" array, we have the following sub-elements for each subsidiary:
Field | Data Type | Description |
subsidiary | string | The name of the subsidiary. |
firstPart | string | The first part of the subsidiary. |
secondpart | string | The second part of the subsidiary. |
Under the "specialtiesArr" array, we have the following sub-elements for each specialty:
Field | Data Type | Description |
value | string | The individual specialty value. |
Under the "similarCompanies" array, we have the following sub-elements for each similar company:
Field | Data Type | Description |
location | string | The location of the similar company. |
socialUrl | string | The social media URL associated with the similar company. |
industry | string | The industry associated with the similar company. |
imageUrl | string | URL to the image associated with the similar company. |
companyName | string | The name of the similar company. |
Employee Finding
Category | Field | Data Type | Description |
Employees | name | string | The full name of the employee. |
| firstName | string | The first name of the employee. |
| lastName | string | The last name of the employee. |
| location | string | The location of the employee. |
| jobTitle | string | The job title of the employee. |
| company | string | The company name of the employee. |
| linkedInUrl | string | The LinkedIn profile URL of the employee. |
| extractedRole | string | The extracted role of the employee (if applicable). |
| extractedSeniority | string | The extracted seniority level of the employee (if applicable). |
| extractedGender | string | The extracted gender of the employee (if available). |
| personConfidenceScore | number | Confidence score related to employee details. |
| employeeJobScore | number | Score related to the employee's job. |
| employeeCompanyScore | number | Score related to the employee's company. |
| object | Object containing email details of the employee. | |
string | The email address of the employee. | ||
| status | string | The status of the email (e.g., verified, unverified). |
Employees Real-Time | numberOfEmployees | string | The number of employees in real-time data. |
| employees | array | Array containing real-time employee details. |
Real-Time Employees | firstName | string | The first name of the real-time employee. |
| lastName | string | The last name of the real-time employee. |
| title | string | The job title of the real-time employee. |
| linkedinSlug | string | The LinkedIn slug of the real-time employee. |
| profileUrl | string | The profile URL of the real-time employee. |
Email Finder
Field | Data Type | Description |
string | The email address. | |
emailDomain | string | The domain of the email address. |
status | string | The status of the email address (e.g., verified, unverified). |
patterns | array | Array containing patterns associated with the email address. |
mxfound | boolean | Indicates whether the MX (Mail Exchange) records were found for the email domain (true/false). |
smtpCheck | boolean | Indicates whether the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) check was successful for the email (true/false). |
cachAll | boolean | Indicates whether the email domain has a catch-all email address (true/false). |
mostProbableEmail | array | Array containing the most probable email addresses associated with the email domain. (Always catchall email, these emails are free of charge) |
flags | array | Array containing flags related to the email address. |
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